Smokey Brights Interview: Pop Magic aus Seattle (eng)

Pickymagazine, Picky Magazine, Indie Musik Magazin, Indie, Musik, Online, Blog, Blogger, Interview, Smokey Brights

Die Smokey Brights aus Seattle überzeugen auf ihrer neuen Platte „Different Windows“ mit einer sympathischen Mischung von Pop, Psychedelic und Rock. 

Die Smokey Brights sind definitiv eine der Underdog-Entdeckungen dieses Jahres. Die vierköpfige Truppe aus Seattle macht auf dem Papier eigentlich Pop-Musik. Dabei fügen sie aber noch viele, kleine und subtile Elemente aus anderen Genres hinzu, dass am Ende zwar immer noch alles nach Pop klingt, aber gleichzeitig auch nicht. Wie paradox. 

Um diese Message zu entbrezeln würde ich dir erstmal empfehlen, sich das Interview mit den Smokey Brights (auf englisch, uuhhh) durchzulesen und sich dann den Live-Gig der Band bei KEXP anzuschauen. Im Interview geht es um musikalische Einflüsse, den Namen der Band sowie ihre Lieblings-Musikmagazin aus Deutschland! 😉 Danach werden vielleicht einige Dinge klarer. 

Smokey Brights im Interview

Hey Guys, you are the Smokey Brights? The Smokey Bright…whats? What is missing?

No “the,” just “Smokey Brights.” Everyone interprets the name a little differently, and that’s by design. We want the name to evoke something, an image, a feeling. Maybe you see bright car lights on a foggy night, maybe it’s a smokey room lit by a single fire. All that is missing is what the listener brings.

If you have to describe your music with 3 hashtags, which would you choose?

#pizzamusic #momanddadrock #popmagic

What are your influences? Drop some names?

Some big ones for us are Fleetwood Mac, Arcade Fire, and Blonde Redhead. We’re from Seattle and we grew up on grunge, so bands like Soundgarden, Nirvana, and Mudhoney will always be a part of our DNA.

Your last output is the Smokey Bright EP “Different Windows”. What happened after that? Give us a resume!

After we released Different Windows, we toured through the US and the UK. Then we came home to Seattle and played our biggest show ever at The Neptune Theater with our friends The True Loves. We also toured down to Austin for SXSW last March and played as official SXSW artists. We’ve also been intensely writing, demoing and recording for our next record, which we just finished recording before we left for this tour. We actually did the final overdub the day before we left!

And what is planned next?

We’re going to release a new full length record in 2020. If people check out the show at Club Am Donnerstag on Thursday, they can hear some of these new songs. We’re just starting to play them out, and we couldn’t be more excited about them. We plan on touring the states and Europe in support of the new record next year, so we’ll hopefully see Germany again really soon and keep making friends here.

What is the most annoying thing you always hear when people talk about your music?

Not sure what the most annoying thing is (people are generally really nice), but one time someone asked us (Ryan and Kim) if we were brother and sister, which was just plain weird.

Do you like Tame Impala (estimating the answer is yes, my next question is: why?)

Haha! We definitely like them. The synth work is pretty dreamy, and they make some great grooves. Australia is coming out with some really great psych rock right now.

Who is your favourite Indie-Music-Magazine in germany?

Pickymag, duh!

And for the end ab blank space: Fill in whatever you want to say!

We are so incredibly excited to be here and tour through Germany and Austria for our very first time. Although we’re only a few days in at the moment, we have already fallen in love with this area and the people in it. We cannot wait to play in Hamburg on the 24th. We hope to see you there!

Hier könnt ihr euch noch den ganzen Auftritt von Smokey Brights bei KEXP anschauen: